Teks Kosong
Teks atau karakter yang tidak dapat dilihat oleh mata manusia namun masih dapat ditulis, disalin, dan ditempel disebut dengan spasi kosong atau teks kosong.
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Selamat datang di invisibolsymbol.com ! Kami menawarkan alat simbol teks kosong terbaik dan paling inovatif yang memungkinkan Anda menghasilkan tanpa batas Kosong teks karakter dengan cepat. Anda hanya perlu menyalin dan menempelkan teks kosong untuk dikirim ke mana pun Anda mau.
Apa itu Simbol Kosong?
Teks kosong adalah teks yang tidak terlihat oleh pengguna tetapi ada pada halaman dan dapat ditulis dengan menggunakan teknik khusus. Ini adalah teknik yang digunakan untuk membuat teks kosong, misalnya Anda dapat membuat teks kosong menggunakan metode CSS dalam codingnya atau dengan menggunakan teks dan warna background yang sama.
Simbol Unicode Tak Terlihat
These unicode character are behind working of this invisible character tool. And are often used in specialized text processing, such as in invisible formatting or for technical purposes like joining, breaking, or styling. Below are additional invisible Unicode characters, including some that are commonly used in text formatting:
Key Categories:
Unicode characters are categorized into several type but few key categories are:
- Control Characters (e.g., U+0000 - Null, U+0001 - Start of Heading, U+0002 - Start of Text, etc.)
- Invisible Formatting (e.g., U+2060 - Word Joiner, U+2061 - Function Application)
- Directionality Markers (e.g., U+200E - Left-to-Right Mark, U+200F - Right-to-Left Mark)
- Soft Hyphen (e.g., U+00AD - Soft Hyphen, used for word-breaking)
- Whitespace Variations (e.g., U+200B - Zero Width Space)
Unicode | Description | HTML | Example | Copy |
U+0020 | Space |   | [ ] | |
U+00A0 | No-Break Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2000 | En Quad |   | [ ] | |
U+2001 | Em Quad |   | [ ] | |
U+2002 | En Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2003 | Em Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2004 | Three-Per-Em Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2005 | Four-Per-Em Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2006 | Six-Per-Em Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2007 | Figure Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2008 | Punctuation Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2009 | Thin Space |   | [ ] | |
U+200A | Hair Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2028 | Line Separator | 
 | [ ] | |
U+205F | Medium Mathematical Space |   | [ ] | |
U+3000 | Ideographic Space |   | [ ] | |
U+200B | Zero Width Space | ​ | [] | |
U+200C | Zero Width Non-Joiner | ‌ | [] | |
U+200D | Zero Width Joiner | ‍ | [] | |
U+202F | Narrow No-Break Space |   | [ ] | |
U+2060 | Word Joiner | ⁠ | [] | |
U+2061 | Function Application | ⁡ | [] | |
U+2062 | Invisible Times | ⁢ | [] | |
U+2063 | Invisible Separator | ⁣ | [] | |
U+205F | Medium Mathematical Space |   | [ ] | |
U+3001 | Japanese Date Separator | 、 | [、] | |
U+3002 | Japanese Full Stop | 。 | [。] | |
U+3003 | Japanese Sokuon | 〃 | [〃] | |
U+3004 | Japanese Corner Bracket | 〄 | [〄] | |
U+3005 | Japanese Iteration Mark | 々 | [々] | |
U+3006 | Japanese Close Corner Bracket | 〆 | [〆] | |
U+3007 | Japanese Letter | 〇 | [〇] | |
U+3010 | Left Corner Bracket | 【 | [【] | |
U+3011 | Right Corner Bracket | 】 | [】] | |
U+3012 | Japanese Postal Mark | 〒 | [〒] | |
U+3013 | Japanese Industrial Standard Symbol | 〓 | [〓] | |
U+3030 | Wave Dash | 〰 | [〰] | |
U+303D | Partially Visible Notch | 〽 | [〽] | |
U+3099 | Japanese Combining Voiced Sound Mark | ぱ | [ぱ] | |
U+309A | Japanese Combining Semi-Voiced Sound Mark | ひ | [ひ] | |
U+20D0 | Combining Left Half Ring Above | ₀ | [₀] | |
U+20D1 | Combining Long Vertical Line Above | ₁ | [₁] | |
U+20D2 | Combining Short Vertical Line Above | ₂ | [₂] | |
U+20D3 | Combining Upwards Arrow Below | ₃ | [₃] | |
U+20D4 | Combining Downwards Arrow Below | ₄ | [₄] | |
U+20D5 | Combining Leftwards Arrow Below | ₅ | [₅] | |
U+20D6 | Combining Rightwards Arrow Below | ₆ | [₆] | |
U+20D7 | Combining Ring Below | ₇ | [₇] | |
U+20D8 | Combining Comma Above | ₈ | [₈] | |
U+20D9 | Combining Reversed Comma Above | ₉ | [₉] | |
U+20DA | Combining Asterisk Above | ₊ | [₊] | |
U+20DB | Combining Circle Above | ₋ | [₋] | |
U+20DC | Combining Enclosing Square | ₌ | [ |